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全民超神装备怎么合成 装备合成攻略

The super equipment how to synthesis equipment synthesis Raiders

2015-11-16 15:36:48来源: 4399

问:全民超神装备怎么合成? 答:在全民超神中装备需要不断的提升品质,提升的品质的就是利用装备碎片合成更高品质的装备的!具体的方法如下: 在英雄界面选择需要合成的装备,进入该英雄的装备界面,选择升阶栏目。即可看到如下图所示的界面 中间代表的是该装备,四周则是该装备升阶合成所需要的材料...

Q: National Super equipment how to synthesis? Answer: in the masterforce universal. Equipment need to continuously upgrade the quality of, quality improvement is equipped with synthetic fragments of higher quality equipment. The specific methods are as follows: in the hero interface to select the equipment needs to be synthesized, into the hero's equipment interface, select the column. You can see the interface as shown in the figure below represents the equipment, surrounded by the equipment is the necessary equipment for the synthesis of the required materials...