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灵魂士兵结伴出行 灵魂战神周五开测

Soul soldiers traveling together soul ares Friday open test Sina

2015-11-16 10:31:07来源: 新浪

由韩国游戏公司YD ONLINE研发,光宇游戏代理运营的双模式创新网游《灵魂战神》将于本周五中午正式开启测试。《灵魂战神》主打双游戏模式,是将策略类游戏的特点和即时动作类游戏的特点进行完美结合的创新网游。不仅如此,在战斗方式上也颠覆传统游戏单兵作战的状况,所以无论从游戏的玩法,亦或是内容...

by South Korean game company YD online research, Guangyu game agents operating in dual mode innovation net swims the soul of war will Friday noon officially open test. Soul God of war, the main mode of the game, the strategy is the characteristics of the game and the characteristics of the instant action game features a perfect combination of innovative online games. Not only that, in the way of fighting also to subvert the traditional game of individual combat, so in terms of gameplay, or content.