新关注 > 信息聚合 > 洪荒大战?《诛仙世界》多维战斗宣传片曝光


Prehistoric war? "Kill celestial being world" multidimensional battle propaganda film exposure of the

2015-11-16 12:37:42来源: 17173

在仙侠沙盒网游《诛仙世界》中,不只有传统意义的地对地作战,空对空作战,还将加入多维度的战斗,玩家可以搭载仙舰三栖作战,也可多人合体召唤神兽,更能打破次元壁穿越虫洞与另一世界碰撞。随着这部多维战斗宣传片的曝光,将带大家了解你所能想到的乃至想不到的多维度激情。 多人搭载仙舰开展多维战斗 ...

in Xian Xia sandbox gaming "kill celestial being in the world", only the traditional ground combat, empty to air combat, will also join the battle of multi dimension, players can equipped with Xian ship amphibious combat, can also fit call animal, can break the dimension wall through the wormhole to another world collision. With the exposure of this multi dimensional battle, you will be able to understand what you can think of as many as you can think of. Many people carry a number of multidimensional battle ship...

标签: 诛仙