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吃我一记风来吴山 《眩晕骑士》预告片面世

I eat a wind to Wushan "vertigo Knight" Trailer available on weekdays

2015-11-09 11:47:09来源: 4399

诸君平日里玩游戏看动漫看电影,各种打斗场景见得应该是不少。但是转圈圈干架的,可能还真没几个人遇到过。最近有一款休闲新游《Dizzy Knight(眩晕骑士)》发布了预告片,该作中的角色们就属于那种连打架都不走寻常路的奇特人群。 游戏画面颇有古早时期功能机或者说红白机的感觉,说不上很精致...

you play games watch anime movies, all fighting scenes seem to be a lot of. But turning around a fight, may really not many people met. Recently, a new Dizzy Knight ("leisure" vertigo Knight) released a trailer, the role of the people belongs to those who are not even fighting peculiar crowd unusual way. The picture of the game quite ancient time machine or functional NES feeling, not very delicate...