新关注 > 信息聚合 > 对资源的需求是人类共同的渴望 即时战略新作《元..

对资源的需求是人类共同的渴望 即时战略新作《元..

The demand for resources is a common human desire related news "new RTS yuan..

2015-11-09 10:59:26来源: 4399

上周本站报道过主打太空生存冒险+资源收集的游戏《最后的地平线》的相关消息,而最近还有另一款题材、画风都与之有着异曲同工之妙的新作《Element(元素)》被发布出来。 《元素》是即时战略系作品,题材是深受ACG从业者喜爱的太空作战加寻找资源。 游戏主场景毫无疑问就是遍布了各种星球的太...

last week reported the main survival space adventure game" + collection last horizon ", but recently there is another theme, style and have a wonderful new different approaches but equally satisfactory results of" Element "(elements) to be released. "Element" is the immediate strategy of the work, the subject matter is well received by the ACG practitioners like space operations and search for resources. There is no doubt that the game is all over the world...