新关注 > 信息聚合 > 守望先锋总监:全力支持电竞发展 暂不考虑DLC

守望先锋总监:全力支持电竞发展 暂不考虑DLC

Watch the pioneer director: full support for gaming development will not consider the game DLC

2015-11-09 10:32:10来源: 178游戏网

在2015年暴雪嘉年华中,《守望先锋》总监Jeff Kaplan接受了媒体的采访,并回答了关于取消游戏界面小地图、主机平台、英雄类型以及首位加入守望先锋中国英雄“美”的相关问题。 ◆让游戏有更好的体验,取消游戏对战界面小地图 ◆暂不考虑PVE玩法,专注于PVP对战 ◆VR设备...

in BlizzCon 2015, "watch" pioneer director Jeff Kaplan was interviewed by the media, and answered questions about the cancellation of the game interface, the host platform, a small map of hero type as well as the first to join the pioneer Chinese watch hero "beauty". Let the game have a better experience, cancel the game interface - small map will not consider PVE gameplay, focusing on PVP of war - VR equipment...

标签: 电竞 守望先锋