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Assault national nightmare difficulty levels Samsung clearance Raiders

2015-11-03 11:02:03来源: 4399

在《全民突击》游戏中闯关模式分为三种难度分别是普通、困难以及噩梦,其中噩梦难度最大,在这里有着各种精英关他们的火力十分强大且难以击杀,那么该如何通关这个难度的关卡呢,那么接下来就随小编一起了解一下吧。 关卡介绍: 本关的难度为噩梦级在这关中敌人种类比较多且有着各种精英怪,在这关的难点...

in the nationwide assault "game mode is divided into three kinds of difficulty are ordinary, difficulties and the nightmare, which biggest nightmare difficulty, here has a various elite off their firepower is strong and difficult to hit to kill, then the how customs clearance the difficulty levels, then with the small series together to find out. Level Description: the difficulty of the nightmare level in this area of the enemy types more and more and have a variety of elite, in this difficult...

标签: 三星