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卡普空Q2财报:营收316亿 同比增长22.1%

Capcom Q2 earnings: 316 billion revenue up growth Sina 22.1%

2015-11-02 14:19:52来源: 新浪

近日知名游戏公司卡普空公布了上半年财政报表,上半年总营收316.38亿,同比去年增长22.1%,营业利润28.44亿,同比下降35.1%,净利润19亿,平均下降34.4%,整体呈下滑趋势。 目前主力数字主要是前期发卖的《怪物猎人4G》与《生化危机启示录2》等重复销售游戏以及海外的下载...

recently famous game Capcom announced the first half of the financial statements and in the first half of this year, the total revenue 316.38_yi billion, compared to the same period last year growth 22.1%, operating profit of 28.44 million, down 35.1%, net profit of 1.9 billion. The average 34.4% drop, the overall trend of decline. At present, the main figures are mainly sold in the early stage of the "monster hunter 4G" and "biochemical crisis revelation 2," and other repeat sales games and overseas download...