新关注 > 信息聚合 > 游久游戏投资苏州游视网络2.78亿元


Amusement game for a long time investment in Suzhou tour optic network 2.78 billion yuan

2015-11-02 09:48:44来源: 新浪

10月31日消息,游久游戏周五晚间披露,公司拟出资2.78亿元投资苏州游视网络科技有限公司,合计持有其21%股权。 资料显示,苏州游视成立于2011年7月,注册资本1614.12万元,PLU游戏娱乐传媒是游视的核心机构于2005 年创立,是中国第一批电子竞技赛事内容制作机构、第一批非...

10 month 31 news, tour game for a long time on Friday night in the disclosure, the company intends to invested 2.78 billion yuan investment in Suzhou tour, as network technology Co., Ltd., together hold a 21% stake. Statistics show that Suzhou tour was founded in July 2011, the registered capital of 16141200 yuan, PLU games entertainment media is the core organization of the tour was founded in 2005, is China's first batch of electronic competitive event content production agencies, the first batch of non...

标签: 游戏