新关注 > 信息聚合 > 强行作死不败金身告破 KOO绝地反击避免横扫

强行作死不败金身告破 KOO绝地反击避免横扫

Forced Zuosi unbeaten Jinshen Gaopo Koo Jedi counterattack to avoid sweep bus

2015-11-01 01:30:26来源: 巴士LOL

SKT在前两场比赛中已经拿下了2:0的好局,他们离总决赛全胜纪录只有一步之遥,那么是KOO的绝地反击呢?还是目睹SKT完成史诗级别的纪录荣耀登顶?我们拭目以待! 下面是SKT与KOO第三场比赛 :S5总决赛 SKT在前两场比赛中已经拿下了2:0的好局,他们离总决赛全胜纪录只有一步之遥...

SKT in two games ago has won 2-0 good bureau, they are just a step away from finals victory records, then it is Koo Jedi? Or witnessing SKT finish climbing to the top of the epic level record glory? We will wait and see. Below is a SKT and Koo third game:S5 finals SKT in the first two games has won 2-0 good bureau, they from the finals victory record only one step away...