新关注 > 信息聚合 > 童话里的奇异冒险《爷爷的城市》正式上架


Fairy tale of singular adventure "Grandpa city" officially shelves

2015-11-01 17:03:48来源: 4399

大家还记得前段时间小编为你们介绍过的一款名为《爷爷的城市》的游戏吗?该作曾经一度跳票,原定于9月上架的消息也被风吹得烟消云散。幸好开发商还算有良心,跳票一个月后终于上架。 爷爷的城市【iOS版下载】 说起《爷爷的城市》,小编首先被游戏的独特画面所吸引。虽然游戏类型是时下最流行的解谜类...

everyone remember some time ago Xiaobian for you introduced a product called "Grandpa city" in the game?? the once bounced, scheduled on September shelves news has also been wind blow vanish. Fortunately, developers still have a conscience, bouncing a month after finally shelves. Grandpa's city [iOS version download] talking about "Grandpa's city", a small series of the unique picture of the game to attract. Although the game is the most popular puzzle...