新关注 > 信息聚合 > 这就是老玩家回流特权刷四季一天死四次


This is old players return privilege brush seasons four times

2015-11-02 09:41:56来源: 17173

文章 摘要 关于老玩家四季副本死亡刷不过去,你们怎么处理呢?楼主已中枪 关于老玩家四季副本死亡刷不过去,你们怎么处理呢?楼主已中枪 事情是这样的,楼主今天重新刷四季副本,已经死亡4次,开始锁号了,问了在线GM,看网易是怎么处理的 下面上图 今天8点多开始组队杀,现在团已...

abstract a copy of the old players throughout the dead brush past at a days postmortem, how do you handle it? Landlord has shot a copy of the old players throughout the brush with death is not in the past, how you deal with it? Landlord has gun thing is, landlord today to brush the four copies, has died four times, began to lock number, asked online GM, Netease is how to deal with the following diagram today 8:00 start team kill. Now the league has...

标签: 玩家