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Lovemaking is doing! "The ultimate weapon" 6 big hero combo show

2015-11-02 04:15:27来源: 17173

《最终兵器》是完美世界首款自研3D快打团斗竞技新游,具有战局时间短,英雄精度高,可多维作战等游戏特点。游戏目前拥有五大阵营22位英雄,今天17173为大家带来的是,《最终兵器》第二阵营天元王朝的6大英雄介绍以及演示。 【九纹龙:我只要一个刀光剑影的传奇】 九纹龙 年龄:26岁 身...

"ultimate weapon" is a perfect world's first self-developed 3D fast playing mission bucket competitive travelogue, with war time is short, hero of high precision, multidimensional combat games, and other characteristics. The game currently has 22 major camps five heroes, today, 17173 to bring you, the ultimate weapon of the second camps of the 6 camps of the heroes and presentations. [Nine Dragons: just a legend] the glint and flash of cold steel Nine Dragons age: 26 body...