新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《风暴英雄》万圣节无头骑士坐骑限时发售


The storm hero, a limited sale of

2015-11-02 09:48:44来源: 17173

《风暴英雄》万圣节活动开启 无头骑士坐骑限时发售 又是一年万圣节,暴雪旗下几款经典游戏的万圣节活动也在如火如荼的进行中,继《魔兽世界》万圣节活动率先上线后,暴雪MOBA游戏大作《风暴英雄》也迎来了2015年万圣节活动,在今年的万圣节中,《风暴英雄》爱好者们将获得怎样的惊喜呢?接下来就...

"storm hero" Halloween, Blizzard's several classic games are also in full swing, after the "magic beast world" Halloween event took the lead on the line, Blizzard MOBA game masterpiece "storm hero" also ushered in the Halloween event, in this year's Halloween, storm heroes will get what kind of surprise? Next...