新关注 > 信息聚合 > 每周游戏测试预告 11月3日《HEX》全卡内测

每周游戏测试预告 11月3日《HEX》全卡内测

Games of the week test notice November 3, "hex" card of the beta

2015-11-02 07:57:14来源: 178游戏网


with decrease of temperature, from the winter is more and more near, ladies and gentlemen of the old masters to keep warm. Hope every moment of the game testing notice links can slightly to bring you a little passion warm, this week (11.2~11.8) test game what?? together and see it! On November 3, the magic's perfect card "hex" card full beta, like card card game friends not to miss; on November 5, giant...

标签: 游戏