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DNF特惠礼盒商品时间顺序 DNF特惠礼盒快抢攻略

Weekend promotions DNF ex gratia box goods time sequence DNF ex gratia box kuaiqiang Raiders

2015-11-01 18:13:09来源: TechWeb

DNF特惠礼盒是周末的优惠活动,在规定的日期内专售TV处会发放礼盒奖励,不过大家想要按照自己的想法购买奖励就要知道礼盒顺序了,下面就为大家介绍特惠礼盒商品时间顺序。 特惠之心 1.活动期间,勇士每日通关推荐地下城可以获得【特惠之心】。 2.活动期间,在暗黑城的活动NPC特惠专员处...

DNF special gift box, within the stipulated date specialize in TV will issue gift reward, but we want to buy rewards in accordance with their own ideas to know gift order, the following we introduced preferential gift goods time sequence. During the 1 activities of the heart of the special event, the warriors daily clearance recommended by the underground city can get the heart of the special. 2 during the event, the activities of the dark city NPC ex special commissioner...

标签: DNF