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守望先锋秩序之光打法定位详解 秩序之光心得攻略

Light light light watch pioneer order play positioning detailed order experience the Raiders

2015-11-01 18:13:09来源: 4399

秩序之光作为守望先锋中的第一辅助,可以在团战中发挥自己最大的作用!大招能让队伍最快重新回到战场,同时可以用护盾为队友吸收伤害!那么秩序之光在团队中是怎么定位的?在团战中适合什么样的位置,秩序之光怎么打团才能发挥自己的作用呢? ▍ 基本信息 名字:秩序之光 全称:塞特娅·法斯瓦尼,年...

order as a watch in the avant-garde of the first auxiliary can play his biggest role in the battle group. Strokes can make the fastest team return to the battlefield, and it can be used as a shield that absorbs damage teammates! So the order of the light in the team is how to locate? What kind of place is suitable for in the regiment war, how can the light of the order of order can play its role? Basic information: name man order Name: Setya Faswani, light years...

标签: 守望先锋