新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《英雄联盟》官方周边商城现已正式抵达战场


"Hero alliance" officially around the mall has officially arrived in the battlefield

2015-10-31 21:32:25来源: 巴士LOL

Riot Games英雄联盟周边商城(测试版)已经正式进入中国。从今天起,您将可以在以下平台购买到来自Riot Games的英雄联盟正品周边。 : 非常感谢大家一直以来对《英雄联盟》周边商城的期待和支持。自从我们首次透露想把英雄联盟正品周边带入中国已经有一段日子了,这段时间我们和各...

Riot games League of legends around the mall (beta) has officially entered the Chinese. From today, you will be able to purchase the following platform from the Games Riot's Heroes union genuine peripheral. Thank you very much for all the expectations and support of the "hero alliance" around the mall. Since the first time we disclosed that we want to bring the heroes union genuine into China has been a long time, this time we and the...

标签: 英雄联盟