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空甲联盟今日首测 国服专属优化曝光

Empty a League first test today's exclusive service optimization exposure leads of

2015-10-22 11:23:37来源: 新浪

导语:10月22日中午12时,完美世界代理的多人对战竞技新游《空甲联盟》将正式开启首轮技术测试——“破空首测”。该游戏由美国Carbon Games工作室潜心多年研发,将RTS和MOBA完美融合,力求带来不一样的全新MOBA体验。传统MOBA游戏中的“英雄”在《空甲联盟》里将化身为由机师...

: October 22 at noon 12 when, perfect world agent of competitive war travelogue "empty a union" will officially open first round of technical tests, "empty broken first test". The game by the United States Games Carbon studio for many years of research and development, the RTS and MOBA perfect integration, and strive to bring a new MOBA experience. The traditional MOBA game in the "hero" in the "empty" in a league will incarnate by the pilots...