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S级ARPG手游《渡劫》 即将与你再聚首

S-class ARPG Tour "crossing robbery" is with you gather

2015-10-22 11:23:37来源: 4399

S级ARPG手游《渡劫》即将迎来备受期待的终极测试,游戏中专属的无职业设定、多武器切换、如同玄幻小说般的精彩剧情等特色玩法将再度呈现在广大玩家面前。180多个日夜的等待,再次聚首之时,更为出彩的游戏体验随之而来。 在本次终极测试中,极具特色的多武器切换系统将继续为玩家们带来出色的战斗体...

S level hand ARPG Tour "Du to rob" is about to usher in the ultimate test of the highly anticipated, the game exclusive professional setting, switch weapons, like a fantasy novel the wonderful story features gameplay will again show in front of the majority of players. More than 180 days of waiting, meet again when, better gaming experience with. In this ultimate test, the very characteristics of multi weapon switching system will continue to bring players a good battle...

标签: 手游