新关注 > 信息聚合 > 千珏并非压轴 LOL今年还会再出新英雄

千珏并非压轴 LOL今年还会再出新英雄

Thousands of Jue not finale lol this year will again new hero

2015-10-22 10:39:30来源: TechWeb

近日,Riot首席英雄设计师在被问及千珏是否将会是2015年最后一个英雄时,明确表示到:今年还会有新英雄放出! 千珏并非压轴 LOL今年还会再出新英雄 你难道以为千珏将会是2015年的最后一个新英雄了吗?好吧,设计师们可不这样想。 Riot首席英雄设计师在游戏的官方论坛里已经泄露了...

recently, riot chief hero designer when asked whether will be 2015 at the end of a hero, made it clear that: this year, there will be a new hero released thousands of Jue! Thousands of Jue not finale lol this year will again new heroes don't you think thousands of Jue will is 2015. Finally a new hero? Well, designers don't think so. Riot chief hero designer in the game's official forum has been leaked...

标签: LOL