新关注 > 信息聚合 > 迁都行政副中心《圣斗士星矢》全新主城大揭秘


Capital against new unknown evil executive vice center "Saint Seiya" new urban big secret Sina

2015-10-10 18:47:10来源: 新浪

[迎战全新未知邪恶势力,定都全新主城银都市] 宇宙深处未知的黑暗势力蠢蠢欲动,新的战火即将到来!为了让圣域子民不再受圣战的波及,能够安定平静的生活,女神雅典娜决定迁移主城到银都市,带领圣斗士军团驻守镇压,积极练兵以待邪恶势力入侵! 经过紧张的准备和建造,银都市成为圣斗士军团新的主...

[, the capital of new City Silver City "cosmic unknown depths of the dark forces around the corner, the new war is coming! In order to let sanctuary people no longer subject to Jihad spread can stabilize the calm of life, Athena, the goddess decided migration urban to urban silver and lead Saint legions stationed repression, actively training pending evil invasion. After intense preparation and construction, the city became the new Lord of the holy warriors...