新关注 > 信息聚合 > 10日D组预测:LGD殊死一搏 OG或全胜出线

10日D组预测:LGD殊死一搏 OG或全胜出线

10, group D prediction: LGD desperate a stroke og or victory to qualify Rui

2015-10-10 14:24:25来源: 锐派游戏

10月10日,2015全球总决赛进入小组赛第8个比赛日的比拼,今天将要上场的是D组的四支队伍。LGD将为尊严和出线而战斗。 TSM对阵OG 北美老牌战队TSM遇上欧洲新锐OG,目前OG保持全胜,TSM一胜两负,仍有出线希望。TSM在第一轮战胜LGD后士气大振,而OG则是豪取三连胜,在...

10 month 10, the 2015 world finals enters the group stage 8 match day of the competition, today will play in group D of the four teams. LGD will fight for dignity and qualify. TSM against OG TSM in Europe North America veteran corps of cutting-edge OG, OG currently unbeaten, TSM wins and two losses, there is still hope of qualifying. TSM in the first round victory over LGD after morale, and OG is the three game winning streak, in...