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黄蜂球星主播《NBA2K Online》 杰弗森率球星挑战..

The Hornets star anchor "nba2k online" Jefferson rate star challenge..

2015-10-10 14:24:25来源: 电玩巴士

NBA官方唯一授权网游《NBA2K Online》此前曝光神秘海报,图中的球星剪影引发了球迷和玩家们的广泛猜想。而今日悬念正式揭晓,官方宣布将于10月13日晚9时在游戏内NBA电视台,邀请艾尔-杰弗森、科迪-泽勒、马文-威廉姆斯、斯宾塞-霍伊斯四位球星出镜直播,和游戏大神展开精彩对决。同...

NBA the official only authorized online games "nba2k online" after the exposure of the mysterious poster, the silhouette of the superstars in sparked widespread speculation fans and players. And suspense today officially announced, officials announced that will be on the evening of October 13 9 in the game NBA TV, invited al Jefferson, Cody Zeller, Marvin Williams, Spencer Hawes four star appearance live, and God of the game launched exciting showdown. The same...

标签: 主播