新关注 > 信息聚合 > 世界总决赛小组赛C组争夺战有惊无险


World Finals group stage C groups competing for battle near misses

2015-10-10 15:15:33来源: TechWeb

北京时间10月10日凌晨2点,世界总决赛小组赛C组大战彻底落下帷幕,最终SKT不败战绩小组出线,而EDG跌跌绊绊以小组第二有惊无险的成功出线,让我们用“一场比赛一句话”来回顾下这六场对决吧! SKT VS EDG:上路成为突破口 一句话点评:上路又崩了!Marin又成Boss了,AJ...

Beijing October 10 morning 2. World final group match in group C war thoroughly fall next heavy curtain, qualifying final SKT group unbeaten, and EDG fell stumble stumble to the success of the second group near misses outlet, let us use "a game a word" to review the six field is right definitely! EDG vs SKT: on the road become a breakthrough in a sentence word comments: on the road again collapse. Marin became boss, AJ.