新关注 > 信息聚合 > 鬼蟹:对WOW最深印象竟来自CJ


Ghost crab: Wow, the deepest impression unexpectedly from CJ

2015-09-26 15:50:26来源: 游久网

[导读]在过去有不少玩家对于鬼蟹有的全是负面评价,甚至有不少玩家认为是鬼蟹毁了这个游戏,而在这群玩家中,国人所占的比例绝对不小,即使连开发组都在鬼蟹离职后将“有锅就让鬼蟹背”的传统延续下来。.. 【游久网9月26日消息】在过去有不少玩家对于鬼蟹有的全是负面评价,甚至有不少玩家认为是鬼蟹...

[introduction] in the past, a lot of players for the ghost crab and some are negative, even a lot of players that is the ghost crab ruined the game, and in this group of players, the Chinese people accounted for the proportion of is definitely not small, even if even group are in the ghost crab after leaving "a pot let traditional continuation of ghost crab back down. Travel long network September 26th news in the past, there are many players for the ghost crab, some of the negative evaluation, and even a lot of players think is ghost crab...