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大话西游手游时空浮屠攻略 玩家原创

Big west tour space-time pagoda Raiders internationally original malarky

2015-09-26 13:09:02来源: 4399

大话西游手游时空浮屠攻略玩家(云子墨)原创。以下图为例。简略说下单人任务,任务总共塔6层,通过该层最外围的说真话的虚实仙人传送到上一层,通过每一层直接获得物品和经验奖励。 利用下面的攻略我开了小号:南西南东南南~~轻松上了七层。 虚实仙人分为东西南北,分别位于东西南北四个方向,那么难...

West tour space-time pagoda Raiders internationally (Yunzi ink) original. The following graph is an example. Simple said under the single task and mission a total of tower 6 layer, through the layer of the periphery of said the truth and the reality of the fairy transfer to a layer, through each layer directly obtained reward items and experience. Use the following Raiders I opened the trumpet: Nancy east to the seven floor of South South easy ~ ~. The immortal is divided into the four corners of the world, are located in the four corners of the world in four directions, so difficult...