新关注 > 信息聚合 > 英雄联盟:S5全球总决赛十位最值得关注的选手


League of Legends: S5 global finals ten the most noteworthy players

2015-09-26 15:04:59来源: TechWeb

《英雄联盟》S5全球总决赛开战在即,外媒评选出本届比赛中最值得关注的十位选手,来自中国LPL赛区的韦神与诺言等6名选手上榜,SKT T1战队传奇中单选手Faker登顶。 10.GodV 技术非常优秀的天赋型选手,GodV以他的皎月和发条最为出名(同时也开发出不少套路),他是LGD全队...

League of legends S5 global finals war imminent, media selection, tournament of the most noteworthy of ten players, from the LPL division Wei God and reputation as six players on the list, SKT T1 clan legend in a single player faker summit. 10.GodV technology is very outstanding talent player, GodV to his moonlight and the spring is best known for (also developed many routines). He is the LGD team...

标签: 英雄联盟