新关注 > 信息聚合 > 3D嗨萌乱斗《超级地城之光》今日开测 下载送福利

3D嗨萌乱斗《超级地城之光》今日开测 下载送福利

3D hi Meng scuffle "Super City, today opened measured download send welfare

2015-09-22 11:59:55来源: 4399

今日11:00,盛大游戏发行的超级3D乱斗手游大作《超级地城之光》开启嗨萌不删档测试,玩家可以通过各大安卓平台以及苹果APP STORE下载到游戏。同时,官方开启五重福利,海量钻石、礼包等你来领。盛大游戏方面表示:《超级地城之光》是继《热血传奇》手游后的又一款手游产品,游戏是旗下起源工作...

today 11:00, Shanda issued super 3D scuffle travel big as" super city lights "open hi sprout not delete files test, players can through the Android platform and the Apple App Store downloaded into the game. At the same time, the official opening of the five welfare, massive diamond, gifts waiting for you to come. Grand game side said: "the super city of light" is the second "blood legend" hand hand travel hand travel products, the game is its origin...