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功夫派纵鹤者·狂沙 狂沙守鹤超进化

Kung Fu school vertical crane makers, mad sand mad sand Shouhe super evolution

2015-09-19 08:15:08来源: 4399

4399功夫派纵鹤者·狂沙 功夫派狂沙守鹤超进化 活动时间:9月18日开启 活动奖励:将狂沙守鹤超进化成为纵鹤者·狂沙 功夫派狂沙守鹤超进化,只要你拥有满级满成长的狂沙守鹤,并且完成本次活动四项挑战,就可以把狂沙守鹤超进化成为纵鹤者·狂沙哦。 这四项挑战分为:狂之挑战、沙...

4399 Kung Fu school vertical crane who - Crazy Sha Kung Fu school crazy Sha Shouhe ultra evolution activity time: became the vertical crane September 18 to open the Activity Award: mad sand Shouhe ultra evolution of - Crazy Sha Kung Fu school crazy Sha Shouhe ultra evolution, as long as you have a full level full grown crazy Sha Shouhe and the event four challenges, will can became the vertical crane, crazy Sha crazy Sha Shouhe ultra evolution oh. These four challenges are divided into: the challenge of the wild, sand...