新关注 > 信息聚合 > 只是秦粉的力量?《新秦时明月》手游登免费榜首..


Is just the power of Qin powder? The Searchina moon Tour "landed the top free..

2015-09-19 05:15:44来源: 新浪

由杭州玄机科技自主发行、上海鹿游网络研发的《新秦时明月》手游在9月17日iOS公测以来,短短一天就冲到了App Store免费榜第一,如此佳绩定会羡煞旁人。《新秦时明月》手游到底有何魅力,让广大玩家如此追捧。 秦粉力量“大无边” 《新秦时明月》手游是根据国产3D武侠动画《秦时明月...

by Hangzhou Mystery Science and technology independent release, Shanghai deer travel network research and development the Searchina moon" tour in September 17, IOS beta since, just one day is rushed to the app store for free list first, so success set next to the envy of people. "New moon" Mobile Games what charm, let the game player is so sought after. "The boundless power of Qin powder" "new moon" Mobile Games is based on domestic 3D animation qinshiming martial arts "...

标签: 手游