新关注 > 信息聚合 > 奥奇传说天照月神灵风猜测


Aoqi legend Amaterasu Luna Lingfeng speculation

2015-09-19 16:22:12来源: 4399

奥奇传说天照月神灵风猜测,天照月神灵风登场,还是破晓之月灵风和星沉之月灵风的合体,就上次的雷神星格和王者洛萨的合体,这次又有新的合体啦! 先来看看天照月神的黑影图吧~(小右想吐槽一下,从黑影看,真心感觉好丑啊,好像两只灵风各占了一半身体一样~) 那么先来看看天照月神灵风的数据吧: ...

og legend Amaterasu Luna spirit wind speculation, Amaterasu Luna Lingfeng debut, fit or dawn of hope on the winds and stars sink the spirit of the wind, last Thor star lattice and King Lothar fit the new fit! Let's look at the Amaterasu goddess of the moon's shadow map ~ (small right Tucao. From the shadows, really feel ugly ah, like two Ling Feng each accounted for half of the body as ~) then the first to look at data Amaterasu Luna spirit of the wind:...