新关注 > 信息聚合 > 火炬之光移动版最新消息:官网预约已开启


Torch light mobile version of the latest news: the official website booking has been opened

2015-09-19 11:29:54来源: 4399

在《火炬之光移动版》(Torchlight Mobile)惊艳两线本届E3展后,完美世界便敲定了国内的代理发行权,并宣布预计将在今年第四季度正式登录移动平台。 而今天,关于这款游戏又传来了最新消息,即首次预约目前已经开启。 《火炬之光2》里的经典职业,拥有极强的策略性和操作难度,需要玩...

in the torch of light mobile version (Mobile Torchlight) stunning two line after the E3 show, the perfect world will finalize the domestic agency issued the right, and announced that the fourth quarter of this year is expected to officially log on Mobile platform. Today, on the game and came the latest news, that is, the first time an appointment has been opened. "The torch of light 2" in the classic occupation, with a strong strategic and operational difficulty, need to play...