新关注 > 信息聚合 > 专访《三国志13》制作人铃木亮浩:中文配音为大..


Interview, "Romance of the Three Kingdoms 13" producer Suzuki Ryoko: Chinese dubbing for the 30th anniversary of the..

2015-09-18 15:35:41来源: 新浪

史仿真游戏《三国志》系列 30 周年纪念作《三国志 13》(PC / PS4 / PS3 / Xbox One),制作人铃木亮浩于东京电玩展 2015 接受媒体的访问,分享制作理念。 《三国志 13》是 1985 年问世至今已届满 30 周年的《三国志》系列最新作,是款以‘百花撩乱的...

history simulation game in the history of the Three Kingdoms series to commemorate the "Romance of the Three Kingdoms 13" (PC / Playstation / PS3 / Xbox one), producer Suzuki Ryoko Tokyo Game Show in 2015 to accept the media access and share ideas. "Romance of the Three Kingdoms 13" was published in 1985, has been at the expiration of the 30th anniversary of the "Three Kingdoms" series, the latest, is a 'flowers disturb the...