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《剑破苍穹》凝聚基友的力量 战意无限

The sword broken sky "cohesion based friends of power warpath infinite

2015-09-14 12:09:39来源: 新浪

无论走到哪里,一个人总是会显得势单力薄,正所谓一个好汉还要三个帮呢,在游戏中怎么可以缺少朋友呢?漫玩网《剑破苍穹》的好友系统肯定已经不能满足你的需求了,你需要的是一个更大的家族系统,来结交更多更亲密的伙伴陪你一起勇闯天涯! 《剑破苍穹》中,等级达到20级的玩家即可前往云州的家族管理员...

regardless of where to go, a person will always show a single force thin, is called a hero but also three help, in the game how can lack of friends? Diffuse play network "sword broken sky" the buddy system certainly has been unable to meet the needs of your the, you need is a bigger family system, to make more more intimate partner accompany you together globe Trekker. "Sword" in the broken sky, level 20 of the game player can to Cloud State Family administrator...