新关注 > 信息聚合 > 比骑战更凶猛 斩千军新式挂机惊现箭塔

比骑战更凶猛 斩千军新式挂机惊现箭塔

Riding a war than more ferocious cut Qianjun new hook discovered arrow tower

2015-09-14 12:09:39来源: 新浪

长时间的打怪升级,你是否想要伸个懒腰,休息一下呢?在首款战争直男新游《斩千军》中,就为玩家们提供了新式挂机玩法。玩家可以通过自动战斗装备“箭塔”来实现箭塔的变身,箭塔可以自动攻击多个目标,在PVP或PVE中都可以灵活运用!今天小编就为大家揭秘《斩千军》新式“箭塔”挂机玩法。 箭塔变身...

Daguai upgrade, whether you want to stretch a bit and have a rest? In the first war Tour "who" cut straight, it provides new ways for game player who hang up. Players can use the automatic combat equipment "arrow tower" to achieve the arrow tower, the tower can automatically attack multiple targets, in the PVP or PVE can be flexibly used! Today Xiaobian "cut" new "secret army tower" gameplay hook. Arrow tower...