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国外网友评iG vs QG 恭喜KaKAO圆梦S5

Foreign friends on iG vs QG KaKAO S5

2015-09-06 12:18:40来源: TechWeb

KaKAO晋级世界赛了! 还有Rookie的维克托真是不留情面,他三局比赛的表现真是太疯狂了! *拿到中国赛区的二/三号种子是他们的计划,这样就可以遇到Faker和SKT击碎他们的梦想。 *世界赛上又多了一个世界级的打野,这次是KaKAO,对于大家来说都是好消息。 *KaKAO和...

KaKAO a congratulations to qualify for the world game! And Rookie Victor is really ruthless, his three game performance is really crazy! * get Chinese division two / three seed is their plan, so that you can meet Faker and SKT break their dreams. * World Cup and more than a world class play wild, this is KaKAO, for everyone is good news. *KaKAO and...