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国外沙盒网游Wild Terra公布 野兽现真实行为

Published foreign sandbox gaming wild Terra beast now real behavior

2015-09-06 11:04:45来源: 178游戏网

近日,国外游戏公司公布了一款全新的沙盒题材网游,这款游戏以中世纪世界为主打元素,名为《荒野泰瑞亚》(Wild Terra)。 生存、建造、手工艺、战斗:这便是玩家即将在《荒野泰瑞亚》中体验到的主要内容。制作这款游戏的公司期待玩家在改变游戏世界,建设游戏城堡和小镇的同时,还能够通过游戏...

recently, foreign game companies announced the a new Sandbox theme online games, this game in a medieval world as the main element called the wilderness of Tyria "(wild Terra). Survival, construction, arts and crafts, fighting: This is the main contents are about to experience in the "game player" in the wilderness of tyria. Production of the game companies expect players to change the game world, the construction of the game castle and the town, but also through the game...

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