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你也能做宫本茂 《超级马里奥制造》获高分评价

You can also do Miyamoto "Super Mario manufacturing" got the score of evaluation

2015-09-06 11:36:29来源: 新浪

《超级马里奥制造》是任天堂为庆祝马里奥系列30周年推出的一款WiiU独占游戏。其中最大的特点在于内置了一个“马里奥”的地图编辑器,玩家可以自由的编辑各代马里奥游戏的关卡地图,并上传到网络上和其他玩家分享。游戏也自带了相当丰富的全新关卡等待玩家们的挑战。 任天堂的马里奥游戏从未让我们失...

"Super Mario manufacturing" is Nintendo to celebrate the 30th anniversary of the Mario series launched a wiiu exclusive games. One of the biggest feature is the built-in a "Mario" map editor, players can freely edit the various generations of the Mario game map, and upload to the network and other players to share. The game also comes with a fairly rich new level to wait for players to challenge. Nintendo's Mario game never lets us lose...