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Twitter: Warcraft Movie Trailer in the Blizzcon released

2015-09-06 12:24:29来源: 多玩游戏

今天魔兽世界电影的导演邓肯琼斯在推特上发了一条推文,表示自己对即将到来的暴雪嘉年华十分期待。 还有两个月就是暴雪嘉年华!欧耶! 2015年的暴雪嘉年华的时间为今年11月6-7日,估计魔兽电影会在嘉年华上公布更多的信息,这其中可能包括有正式的预告片。此外邓肯之前面对玩家对预告片发布时...

today world of Warcraft movie director Danko Jones on twitter sent a tweet, said of the upcoming Blizzard carnival is looking forward to. There are two months is the blizzard carnival! Oh yeah! 2015 the time of the November Blizzard carnival for the year, estimated that the world of Warcraft movie will publish more information on the carnival, which may include a formal trailer. In addition Duncan before the players to the trailer released...