新关注 > 信息聚合 > 今天生日直播鉴定灵饰脸太黑吓尿宝宝了


Today, a birthday party to identify the face is too black to frighten urine baby

2015-09-06 03:08:24来源: 17173

文章 摘要 今天生日直播一波灵饰,没想到那么悲剧,脸太黑,吓到本宝宝了 今天生日直播一波灵饰,没想到那么悲剧,脸太黑,吓到本宝宝了。 粗略计算了一下,大概3E多点吧!!!这我的卖多少年烹饪啊!

article summary today a wave of the birthday of the day, did not think so tragic, face too dark, scared to the baby today's birthday live wave of the decoration, did not think so tragic, face is too dark, scared this treasure. A rough calculation, about 3E more than it!!! This is my number of years to sell ah!

标签: 直播