新关注 > 信息聚合 > 解密核心玩法《将魂列传》公测明日开启


Decryption core gameplay "soul biography" beta open tomorrow

2015-08-26 13:53:04来源: 爱拍游戏

创新硬派动作网游《将魂列传》“血性公测”8月27日18点即将开启,盛邀玩家莅临体验。简便操作流畅PK,个性人物精心打造,精美场景巧夺天工,更有诸多核心玩法引爆当下战斗新潮流!最震撼的团队探险,最革新的切磋方式,最给力的福利活动,都在这里啦,闯荡江湖就从《将魂列传》开始吧! 【华丽战斗燃...

innovation hardcore action games "soul biography", "bloody beta on August 27, 18 point is about to open, Sheng invited players to experience. Simple and smooth operation of the PK personality, carefully crafted, exquisite scenes and many more core gameplay. Art beats nature., now fighting new trend! The most shocking exploration team, the most innovative ideas, the most awesome welfare activities, all in here, from the "soul biography will make a living away from home" begin! War burn...