新关注 > 信息聚合 > 帮范爷躲狗仔?《魔范学院》趣味任务等你挑战


Fan Ye help hide the paparazzi? Extraordinary "magic school van" interesting tasks waiting for you to challenge

2015-08-24 15:53:16来源: 不凡游戏网

在《范冰冰魔范学院》里,参与拍摄当红影视剧、变身封面女郎、接拍各种主题的照片已经成为家常便饭;不过,除了这些日常活动,玩家们偶尔还能触发其他有意思的任务哦。 咦,这不是范冰冰嘛,为什么突然出现在这里?原来,范大校长又被讨厌的狗仔盯上了,怪不得她直截了当地问“还有没有狗仔”呢。 这个时...

in the Fan Bingbing magic fan Institute ", participated in the filming of the popular television drama, turned the cover girl, pictures of filming on a variety of topics have become the norm; however, in addition to these daily activities, players may also occasionally trigger other interesting task oh. Hey, this is not Fan Bingbing, why suddenly appear here? Originally, the van was eyeing hate the paparazzi, so she asked, "there are no paparazzi say without mincing words.". This time...