新关注 > 信息聚合 > 从炸弹速递看《无主之地OL》PVP的趣味性


The to ol "PVP interesting

2015-08-24 15:20:31来源: 新浪

《无主之地OL》是一款融合FPS玩法和RPG玩法的美漫风格网游,8月12日正式开启跟疯内测。在本次测试中,全新的PVP玩法“小吵闹的炸弹天堂”以其独特的趣味性和游戏经典NPC的深度结合引起了玩家和粉丝们的关注。 这是一个团队竞技基础上的新模式。在这个模式中,地图中央会出现一个身上背着...

the Lord of OL" is a fusion of FPS gameplay and RPG gameplay beauty diffuse style gaming from a bomb courier, August 12, officially opened with crazy beta. In this test, the new PVP play small noisy bomb paradise with its unique fun and depth of the game classic NPC caused the attention of players and fans. This is a new model of team competition. In this model, a map of the center will appear on the back of the body...