新关注 > 信息聚合 > 萌你一夏 《烈焰至尊》火热开启删档测试

萌你一夏 《烈焰至尊》火热开启删档测试

The flames supreme "Meng you summer hot open delete files test

2015-08-18 16:08:35来源: 不凡游戏网

《 烈焰至尊》删档封测即将火热开启,并且为了迎接《烈焰至尊》的首次开测,我们也为玩家准备了多种类的线上和线下活动,一起来了解下具体情况吧! 烈焰至尊删档开启,三大活动备战来袭。 在游戏内玩家们可以享受到“在线领元宝”、“天天拿奖励”、“升级‘打boss”等等不需要花费多少精力就可...

the flames supreme" delete files in the beta will be hot open, and in order to meet the flames supreme "the first open test, we also for the players prepared many kinds of online and offline activities, under the understanding of the specific situation! The flames delete files open, three major activities for the incoming. In the game players can enjoy "online lead ingot, every day with the reward", "upgrade" boss fight "do not need to spend much effort can be...