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《烈焰至尊》了却当年遗憾 强PK手游热血回归铸经典

The flames supreme "but then regret PK strong hand travel blood regression casting classic

2015-08-18 16:40:38来源: 不凡游戏网

那个时候,叫上几个兄弟,一块五一串的烤羊排、永远抢不到鱼丸的砂锅、上网会员2元一小时、卫生间附近的自来水的味道、通宵吃小虎队方便面吃到牙受伤……只为了蹲点砍杀那个即将出现的BOSS! 通宵守副本、万人豪情攻城、行会大战、无限制地任意PK……青春激情再度点燃!当年还是菜鸟,当年还省吃俭用...

at that time, called a few brothers, a five string of lamb, always grab fish casserole, Internet member 2 yuan for one hour, the taste of tap water near the toilet, all night to eat the little tigers to eat instant noodles to tooth injuries... Only to the upcoming BOSS Dundian blade! Overnight, keep a copy of million people, guild war, siege passion Unlimited arbitrary PK...... Passion of youth once again ignited! As a rookie, then also save money on food and expenses...

标签: 手游