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侠客合体绝杀 《新古龙群侠传》8.28封测抢先爆

Knight to fit lore "new Gulong heroes" 8.28 beta preemptive burst

2015-08-18 17:11:46来源: 18183

《新古龙群侠传》是巨人与骏梦根据古龙小说正版授权改编,采用Unity3D引擎联合打造的一款Q萌风回合制武侠手游。 古龙小说正版授权,巨人联合骏梦共同开发的3D回合制武侠手游——《新古龙群侠传》将于8月28日开启精英邀约封测!精英邀约封测采取线上发放激活码形式限量放号,玩家参与为期7天...

"new Gulong heroes" is giant and junmeng according to Cologne novel genuine authorized adaptation, using unity3d engine combined to create a Q Meng wind round of martial arts hand you. Cologne novel genuine authority, jointly developed by giant United junmeng 3D turn based martial arts hand you -- the new Gulong heroes "will be on August 28 open elite invite beta! An invitation to IC packaging and testing of the elite to take online payment activation code limited schedule, the players involved in the period of 7 days.