新关注 > 信息聚合 > 随时随地组队激战 《火线精英手机版》让你爽翻一..

随时随地组队激战 《火线精英手机版》让你爽翻一..

Anytime, anywhere team fighting the FireWire elite mobile version of "let you cool turn a..

2015-08-19 00:59:04来源: 4399

火线精英手机版是4399火线精英网页版成功移植过来的手游,这个炎热的夏天快快叫上你的好友一起来对战大厅来场刺激的枪战PK吧! 热血枪战不可被时间地点所限制,《火线精英》作为一款无枪支培养的纯竞技枪战手游,只有你想玩,就可马上拿起手机开战。玩家可以通过游戏主界面进入“对战大厅”,在“对战...

FireWire elite mobile version is 4399 FireWire elite page version of the successful transplant of hand travel, this hot summer quickly called on your friends together to field stimulation of the gunfight PK battle hall! Blood gun battle can not be limited by time and place, "the line of fire" as a non gun training of pure competitive gun battle, only you want to play, you can immediately pick up the phone to fight. Players can enter through the main interface of the game on the hall, in the war...