新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《狂野星球》国服:丰富玩法力求带来原汁原味体验


"Wild Planet" service: rich gameplay and strive to bring authentic experience produced

2015-08-19 13:01:30来源: 新浪

新浪游戏讯 NcSoft出品的MMORPG《狂野星球》将在8月20日正式开启首次测试。为了满足各位玩家的好奇心,小编前往探访了巨人网络《狂野星球》中国运营团队,获取游戏首测版本相关信息的同时,还采访到了《狂野星球》社区负责人马里奥以及游戏设计师布雷安娜。(文/此方) 《狂野星球》分为两...

Sina game news NcSoft massively multiplayer online role-playing game (MMORPG) "wild world" will be in August 20, officially opened the first test. In order to meet the players' curiosity, small series to visit the giant network of Wild Planet, China operations team, to get the first test version of the game related information, but also to interview the Wild Planet community in charge Mario and game designer Bray Anna. (this is the "Wild Planet" is divided into two...