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士官长的保命神器 盘点游戏中的十大动力盔甲

Sergeant life insurance artifact inventory many games and television science fiction very like to use the individual combat equipment power game in the top ten power armor

2015-08-19 10:55:47来源: 新浪

“动力盔甲”是不少游戏和影视科幻作品非常喜欢运用的单兵作战装备,尽管如今的技术水平尚未达到预期的境界,但是思想与意识同样前卫的科幻艺术家依旧用自己的幻想带来让大家意向不到的超凡能力,没错,我们今天就来盘点一下游戏和电影中出现过的动力盔甲吧! No.10 游戏:《辐射》系列 辐射动力甲...

armor, despite today's level of technology has not yet reached the expected level, but consciousness and the same avant-garde science fiction artists still with their fantasy bring extraordinary ability let people intent not to, yes, today, we have to take stock of what has been seen in games and movies of power armor! No.10 game: "radiation" series of radiation power a...

标签: 游戏